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Thanks to work undertaken by Hampshire County Council, Havant Borough Council, and Portsmouth City Council in conjunction with the Langstone Harbour Board it is now possible to walk around the entire perimeter of Langstone Harbour, following the “Langstone Harbour Waterside Walk”. Waymarkers clearly mark the 14 mile route, which can be completed in its entirety in 5 or 6 hours, depending on your pace.
The Waterside Walk will lead you through many of the Harbour’s nature reserves, as well as showing you parts of Langstone Harbour’s more industrial side. There are also a number of places to stop for a pub lunch en route, including the Ship Inn, The Ferry Boat Inn, The Thatched House and the Harvester. Although the walk is quite long, it is all on the flat so is not arduous. There are good public transport links around the Harbour, so it is also possible to walk just a section. Completing the circuit will require the use of the Hayling Ferry, which in a few minutes will carry you across the Harbour mouth. The Langstone Harbour Board in association with a number of local authorities, businesses and conservation bodies has produced a Waterside Walk leaflet to guide you around the Harbour. You can obtain a Waterside Walk leaflet here or by contacting the Harbour Office.
Langstone Harbour Waterside Walk
A 14 mile circular walk starting at Ferry Point, Eastney around the whole of Langstone Harbour and using the passenger ferry to complete the loop.
1. Eastney Point to Milton Lock From the ferry pontoon follow the narrow road south with Eastney Lake on your right, past the University Marine laboratories and Southsea Marina. Regain the shore by turning right onto Ferry Road and follow the footpath to the beach at the head of Eastney Lake. Unless the tide is high the beach can be followed to ‘The Thatched House’ pub. At the end of the car park turn left to cross the footbridge over Milton Lock, part of the lost Portsmouth to London Canal. If the tide is too high to use the beach around Eastney Lake, you will have to divert inland along Fort Cumberland Road. At the end of the road carry straight ahead past the entrance to the caravan park, the Beam Engine Museum and Southern Water’s pumping station before crossing the park on the tree-lined tarmac path, carrying straight on up Ironbridge Lane before turning right onto Locksway Road and rejoining the path at The Thatched House pub after about half a mile.
2. Milton Lock to Ports Creek Turn right after the footbridge and you soon reach the Harbour at Locks Sailing Club. Keeping the Harbour on your right it is an easy walk following the sea wall along the Portsea shore. On this section you will pass Milton Common, Great Salterns Quay, Salterns Mansion (now a Harvester restaurant), Portsmouth Watersports Centre and Tudor Sailing Club. The path then skirts inland around Kendall’s Wharf, still used for landing gravel dredged from the sea bed. Look out for the path leading through the trees after you cross the access road. The path joins the pavement on Eastern Road before crossing the bridge over Ports Creek to the mainland.
3. Ports Creek to Hermitage Stream Immediately after crossing the bridge, take the steps on your right onto the sea wall leading to Farlington Marshes Nature Reserve. At the entrance gate you can choose either to turn right and follow the sea wall around the reserve, adding about 2 miles to the walk but giving good views of the Harbour and its wildlife, or carry straight ahead on the track through the reserve. The inland route takes you past the Warden’s hut and after a further 200yds the path divides. Take the left fork north towards the dual carriageway but about 100yds before the underpass turn right through a gate in the hedge, following the grassy track to the sea wall. Turn left at the top of the steps. The path now follows the edge of the Harbour once again, past two car parks and a public slipway before turning along the Hermitage Stream opposite Brockhampton Quay, the second wharf in the Harbour used for landing gravel.
4. Hermitage Stream to Langstone Follow the footpath under Harts Farm Way then double back up to the road and cross the bridge. Carry on along the pavement past the electricity sub-station and a section of industrial estate (not the prettiest bit of the route) and turn right about 50 yards before the roundabout onto the signposted footpath. Follow the narrow stream, crossing the bridge so that the stream is on your right, past some moored boats opposite the wharf. A path diversion next to the substation will in the future reduce this section of the walk - watch out for the waymarks. The footpath skirts around the edge of Budds Farm waste water treatment plant, rejoining the Harbour at a storm beach. The settlement pools at Budds Farm are a good place to see a range of ducks in the winter months. Follow the top of the beach to your left before the path begins again at the sea defences. The small hill to your left gives excellent views across the Harbour and islands. Keep to the shoreline past the Southmoor car park until you are forced inland by the Lavant Stream. The first bridge is private but the second, through the kissing gate, leads to Mill Lane. At the T-junction cross the road, taking the path alongside Mill Lodge. A signpost on the right after about 10yds marks the route along the old Hayling Billy railway line, past Langstone Sailing Club to the main road and the Ship Inn.
5. Langstone to West Town Crossing the road bridge you reach Hayling Island, with the remains of the old railway bridge on your right. Turn right as soon as you are able and a footpath leads you back to the Hayling Billy coastal path. After about 400yds a set of steps on your right lead to a path around the Old Oysterbeds, originally used for shellfish culture but now a nature reserve. Following this route around the shore leads you back to the Hayling Billy Trail at Stoke Common car park. The well made track follows the route of the old railway along the shore before deviating inland slightly and ending at the Hayling Station Theatre in West Town.
6. West Town to Ferry Point Turn right onto Sinah Lane and keep right when Park Road branches off. On the sharp left hand bend carry straight ahead into Warren Close, join the footpath beginning immediately on your left and follow it until you reach Ferry Road. You must then turn right and walk along the road with the golf course on your left, past the Kench Local Nature Reserve to Ferry Point and a well deserved drink in the Ferry Boat Inn.
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