There are around 600 moorings in Langstone Harbour providing an excellent and cost effective way to keep your boat afloat and access the wider Solent
Mooring in the Harbour is limited to a small number of areas and priced according to the zone.
Deep water mooring "Zones" are relative to the pontoons at Eastney Point and Ferry point with Zone 1 less than half a mile from the pontoons, Zone 2 between half a mile and one mile and Zone 3 more than a mile from the pontoons.
Tidal mooring zones are more complex, with the general rule that the more expensive mooring sites are closer to the shore, although there are exceptions. All tidal mud moorings are expected to take the ground at low water. Unlike the Board-maintained deepwater moorings, the block, tackle and picking up buoys for these moorings need to be provided and laid by the mooring holder.
Contact the Harbour Office for more details.

ZONE 1 (A) That part of the Harbour situated to the south of a line formed by the intersection of the following two transit lines:
(i) A line running in a true east/west direction from the most northerly point of the concrete structure known as the Mulberry Harbour and (ii) A line of sight from the North West Sinah buoy to the eastern end of Great Salterns Quay (B) That part of the Harbour in or adjacent to Chalk Dock Lake and Budds Farm Wall occupied by J and K mooring areas.
ZONE 2 (A) That part of the Harbour situated to the north of the line defined in Zone 1(A) and south and west of a line formed by the intersection of the following two transit lines:
(i) A line running approximately north/south on the line of the old railway bank north-east of the Kench and
(ii) A line running in a true east/west direction from the North West Sinah buoy through the dredger wreck mark to the shore. (B) That part of the Harbour to the north of a line drawn in a true east/west direction from the northern edge of Kendall’s Wharf to Russell’s Island.
ZONE 3 All other parts of the Harbour not included within Zone 1 or 2.
NEW BOARD DEEP WATER MOORINGS – these are usually offered in Zone 3. Mooring holders can then request to be included on the transfer list to move nearer the pontoons (i.e. To Zone 2 and then Zone 1) as vacancies occur.